As part of my summer 2022 product design internship, I designed and shipped the Statsig careers page for the main marketing website.
The final webpage was implemented in Statsig's main marketing website and can be viewed below. Scroll to interact with the prototype!
Statsig is a new startup founded early in 2021. As they continue to grow, the need to reach potential new employees becomes a requirement. I was tasked with completely designing and shipping the new careers page for the main marketing website. Some requirements included prioritizing informational hierarchy.
In order to understand the necessary components that should be included in the career page, I conducted a competitive analysis of competitor company's career pages. Through this, I found that potential new employees are often looking to learn about company culture, benefits, and job openings.
When beginning to design the careers page, I mapped out the different sections that would be included in the page. In an effort to prioritize informational hierarchy, I included a "See Job Openings" button at the top of the webpage that would automatically scroll to the bottom of the webpage where the job openings are located.
I created a low-fidelity prototype of the chosen webpage sections including an intro, about us, values, benefits, employee testimonies, link to blog posts, and job openings. Creating a low-fidelity prototype allowed me to finalize these sections before iterating and creating a higher fidelity design. The low-fidelity prototype made on Figma including all these sections is shown below.